Fire protection is a vital concept in general.
Fire protection is a vital concept in general. When you consider what could possibly occur if a fire happens in a healthcare facility or hospital, you will embrace the necessity for high-quality fire safety products and procedures within these facilities. You should also consider exploring the four fire safety principles when learning to manage fire episodes in a healthcare facility. They include life safety, extinguish, notification, and evacuation.
Main Fire Safety Principles
- The first step in fire safety is securing life safety measures to ensure people within the building are safe. This is particularly important in hospital settings where most patients might be unable to move themselves to safety.
- It’s significant that proper notification goes out to everyone in the structure. This may include announcing a fire on the hospital intercom system or pulling the fire alarm. In addition, quickly contacting the fire department is a primary part of the notification phase.
- If possible, make sure to extinguish the fire. However, this will only be possible sometimes, and it’s vital to avoid extinguishing the fire if doing so would be hazardous.
- Another fire safety principle is evacuation. Hospital staff must move away from the fire and leave the building. So, the hospital team must have a plan for relocating and evacuating patients within the building.
These four fire safety principles vary based on the fire level, risks, and other factors. Continue reading regarding the importance of fire protection in healthcare facilities.
Fire Risks Differ Per Healthcare Facility
Fire risks in healthcare facilities differ from those in commercial buildings as there are various issues within these medical buildings. Some of the unique challenges in medical facilities during a fire event might include:
- Patients might have limited mobility
- Healthcare facilities are highly populated buildings
- Medical equipment might add to the fire problems
- Electrical equipment might be more common throughout the building
- Laboratories require special care in case of a fire
- Pharmacies might exist within the building
- Please protect medicine storage areas
- Kitchen and cafeterias of the facilities might have more fire risks
Because of these reasons, fire protection is crucial in healthcare facilities regarding fire events. Make sure your medical site is ready for a fire emergency, and let Judd Fire Protection help you with your fire safety needs!
Commercial and Residential Fire Prevention from Judd Fire Protection
If you want to ensure your home and business are safe throughout the year, trust Judd Fire Protection, LLC. We have over two decades of experience designing, installing, inspecting, and repairing residential and commercial fire protection systems. We serve clients throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia. If you are interested in finding out more about our services and protecting your home and business, give us a call at 410-871-3480.