Are you fire extinguishers fire inspection-ready?
Here we understand that your business means a lot to you, so making sure that you’re ready for a fire inspection by your local fire marshal is crucial. Not only should you strive to pass a fire inspection, but you should care about fire safety even when a fire marshal isn’t watching. Your life matters and, so does the lives of your employees. If you know that your building isn’t up-to-code, then this is something that you should assess right away. If you want a fireproof business but aren’t sure of where to start, then here is a checklist to ensure that you are fire marshal ready.
Make Sure That Your Business Has Clear Escape Paths
Part of a fire inspection is making sure that there are no obstructions or blockages in the way of your escape path. If there is an emergency, everyone that is in your building should be able to flee to safety with ease. Also, having multiple exits is mandatory. Another thing you should make sure of is that emergency exit doors are easy to open, and they’re unlocked. If you have fire doors, you should also make sure that they close without any difficulty.
Emergency Lights are Crucial
If your building loses power or smoke makes it hard to see, you and your employees should be able to make your way to safety. Emergency lights help with visibility as far as seeing escape paths. Also, all exit signs need backup batteries. Exit signs have emergency lights at the top of them, as well. A fire marshal will surely check that all of the bulbs are working, so make sure that you’re fire inspection ready.
Are Your Fire Extinguishers Working Effectively?
A fire extinguisher will prevent a small fire from turning into a fire emergency. Because of how necessary fire extinguishers are, a fire marshal will hone in on them. Make sure that there are no obstructions stopping anyone from reaching a fire extinguisher. You also want to make sure that your fire extinguisher has had service within the past year. The service tag needs to be in place and updated.
Where are Your Fire Sprinklers Placed?
Each sprinkler deflector needs an ample amount of clearance. You also want to make sure that there are no items too close to the sprinkler head. A fire marshal will also check that your fire sprinkler has received service within the past year.
Residential and Commercial Fire Prevention from Judd Fire Protection
If you want to ensure your home and business are safe throughout the year, trust Judd Fire Protection, LLC. We have over two decades of experience in designing, installing, inspecting, and repairing residential and commercial fire protection systems. We serve clients throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia. If you are interested in finding out more about our services and protecting your home and business, give us a call at 410-871-3480 or contact us online. For more fire safety tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.